1. Lenin's Park (2022) - The Movie Database
A homeless woman is murdered in the centre of Ljubljana. At least as much as her death is troubled by the fact that the murder took place in a park.
In the middle of a hot summer, a homeless woman is murdered in the centre of Ljubljana. At least as much as her death is troubled by the fact that the murder took place in a park right next to the General Police Administration. In addition to Taras's and Tina's relationship, resentment is being drawn from the events at Lake Bohinj over Taras' treatment of the spoiled son of an influential man, so the head of Drvarič assigns the management of the case to Tini instead of Taras. The start of the investigation is not the most promising, as none of the occupants of the park detected anything unusual, even though the windows look out of all the apartments. Yet a criminal investigation reveals that one of them wasn't the most honest.
2. “Lake Trilogy” TV Series Review - We Are Movie Geeks
23 okt 2024 · The Lake Trilogy is a collection of three miniseries (“The Lake”, “Leninov Park” and “Valley of Flowers”) following veteran police detective Taras Birsa.
Sebastian Cavazza as veteran policeman Taras Birsa, in “The Lake,” the first mini series in the “Lake Trilogy.” Courtesy of MHz Choice In the past several years, I’ve review…
3. Lenin's Park (2022) - The Movie Database
In the middle of a hot summer, a homeless woman is murdered in the centre of Ljubljana. At least as much as her death is troubled by the fact that the ...
In the middle of a hot summer, a homeless woman is murdered in the centre of Ljubljana. At least as much as her death is troubled by the fact that the murder took place in a park right next to the General Police Administration. In addition to Taras's and Tina's relationship, resentment is being drawn from the events at Lake Bohinj over Taras' treatment of the spoiled son of an influential man, so the head of Drvarič assigns the management of the case to Tini instead of Taras. The start of the investigation is not the most promising, as none of the occupants of the park detected anything unusual, even though the windows look out of all the apartments. Yet a criminal investigation reveals that one of them wasn't the most honest.
4. Leninov park (2022) movie posters - MoviePosterDB
Discover 1 movie poster of Leninov park (Crime) on MoviePosterDB.
5. Leninov park (2022) | BSF - Slovenian film database
Once Upon a Time in Slovenia (2018) · Štokholm (2017) · Afflatus (2019) · Vsi proti vsem (2019) · The Strange Murders and The Revenge of the Avocado Killer (2019).
Leninov park is a Slovenian fictional TV Series. It is defined as a crime and mini series. It was directed by Klemen Dvornik. It was produced by RTV Slovenija. It has received 2 awards.
6. Jezero, Leninov park, Dolina rož | Koridor – križišča umetnosti
9 mrt 2022 · ... more manjkati. Vir: Delo. Kljub izraženim kritikam lahko odkrito rečem, da so Jezero, Leninov park in Dolina rož dobre serije. Vsaka ima ...
Slovenska kriminalka, kje si?
7. Leninov park #1: Park kot park - Urbani
10 jan 2022 · In oni, ki so zavijali z očmi, ker smo zgrešili desetletje, ko je serija Bron (Most) skoraj izumila žanr skandinavskega noira. Zato pa je sledil ...
»Mater se tebi da. Park kot park.« – Pavle Brajc Leninov park je že v prvi epizodi… Ne. Počasi. Najprej nujno tisto, kar Leninov park ni. Leninov park ni Jezero. Pika. To je res nujno. Okej, igralska zasedba je ista, režiserja tudi, kamera, fotografija… Ampak, ne, Leninov park ni Jezero. Pa ne že samo po […]
8. Lenin's Park · Season 1 - Plex
In the middle of a hot summer, a homeless woman is murdered in the centre of Ljubljana. At least as much as her death is troubled by the fact that the ...
In the middle of a hot summer, a homeless woman is murdered in the centre of Ljubljana. At least as much as her death is troubled by the fact that the murder took place in a park right next to the General Police Administration. In addition to Taras's and Tina's relationship, resentment is being drawn from the events at Lake Bohinj over Taras' treatment of the spoiled son of an influential man, so the head of Drvaric assigns the management of the case to Tini instead of Taras. The start of the investigation is not the most promising, as none of the occupants of the park detected anything unusual, even though the windows look out of all the apartments. Yet a criminal investigation reveals that one of them wasn't the most honest.
9. Leninov park #2: Taras = tik-tak + tak-tak - Urbani
17 jan 2022 · V tem oziru je Leninov park hkrati prehiter in prepočasen. ... In teh se ne more znebiti. Škodijo mu, pravzaprav. Morda ne rešitvi ...
Če do zdaj ni bilo jasno, potem je zdaj. Tarasu Birsi se meša. Pegla, ruši, snema. Ne, ne pomaga tek na Golovec. Kaj ti bo tek, če žena potem skuha kavo zgolj sebi. Ker ve, kaj je storil. Kot ve tudi šef, ki ga meče vpričo direktorja ali odvetnika pod avtobus, vlak, buldožer. Mlada sodelavka […]